Florida CEO set to retire after 42 years in credit union movement

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David O. Brock, president and CEO of Community Credit Union, announced in a letter that he is retiring from the $642 million institution which is based in Rockledge, Fla.

Brock has served in the credit union movement for 42 years, including 26 years as president and CEO of Community CU.

David Brock, outgoing CEO of Community CU

Laurie Cappelli, who has worked at Community CU for 20 years, including 10 years as senior vice president, will succeed Brock as president/CEO, effective Feb. 1, 2018.

“Laurie has carefully prepared for this opportunity through hard work and study,” Brock wrote. “She is one of only a few credit union managers in the country to have earned both of two significant industry designations: Certified Credit Union Executive and Certified Chief Executive.”

Laurie Cappelli, incoming CEO, Community CU

Cappelli joined Community CU in 1996 as a senior lender. The following year she was promoted to phone branch manager. By 2007, she was named senior vice president.

Community CU posted net income of about $9.1 million in 2016, up from about $5.3 million in the prior year.

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