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Back to school

Surpassing its goal of helping 300 students, Pleasanton, Calif.-based 1st United Services supplied 471 students with new school supplies in its back-to-school drive.
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Winning big

New England Federal Credit Union in Willison, Vt., awarded $1,000 to five winners of the National Guard Association of Vermont scholarship program.
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Gone golfing

Scott Credit Union supported the United Way of Greater St. Louis by issuing a $25,000 donation. The funds were raised during the Edwardsville, Ill.-based CU's 13th annual golf tournament, which included over 120 golfers and sponsors.
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Coming together

DuPont Community Credit Union was the winner of the 2019 Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Community Service Award for credit unions valued at $1 billion or more in assets.
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Overcoming obstacles

Warner Robins, Ga.-based Robins Financial Credit Union supported the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia with a donation. The Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia provides meals and shelter to those in need.
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Winner winner

A member of the Wichita, Kan.-based Credit Union of America won $5,000 from the CU's save-to-win program.
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Welcome back

Financial Center First sponsored a local fundraiser and school supplies drive. The Indianapolis, Ind.-based CU donated four bins of school supplies and $500 to the cause.
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Credit Union of Georgia in Woodstock, Ga., helped raise over $47,000 for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta in its 16th annual bowl-a-thon fundraiser.
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Supporting nonprofits

Jeanne D'Arc Credit Union in Lowell, Mass., announced Stepping Stones Family Services as the winner of its nonprofit day campaign. Stepping Stones Family provides child care items free of charge and offers other programs geared toward helping mothers.