For more from the conference,
Jon Hernandez, president and CEO of three CUs, including $26 million-asset Mattel FCU, El Segundo, Calif.
Kirk Drake, president and CEO of Ongoing Operations, founder and author of Credit Union 2.0, Ashland, Ore.
Jeremy Empol, lobbyist and VP of federal government affairs for the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues
Carrie Birkhofer, president and CEO of $988 million-asset Bay FCU, Capitola, Calif.
Nationally, there is a lot being discussed, including [Wednesday’s] announcement that [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions is out. That will be interesting for
Cindy Glessner, president and CEO of $74 million-asset VA Desert Pacific FCU, Long Beach, Calif.
Elections are an event, but what affects credit unions is a process – a long, glacial process. We have to figure it all out.
Eric Bruen, president and CEO of $40 million-asset Desert Valley FCU, Ridgecrest, Calif.
One of the unfortunate outcomes of this election is Congressman Kevin McCarthy, a devout member of Kern Schools FCU, will miss the opportunity to serve as Speaker of the House.
[Note: McCarthy is one of the Republicans