Celebrating the big 5-0

Fifty years of business was celebrated by Bedford, Ind.-based Hoosier Hills Credit Union. To commemorate their 50th anniversary, Jan. 12., was coined as "Hoosier Hills Credit Union Day." The credit union wsa formally organized in 1959 as Bedford Independent Feedral Credit Union, and a photo from those early days is seen here.
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110 years

Manchester, N.H.-based St. Mary's Bank commemorated its 110th anniversary by challenging its employees to complete 110 volunteer hours between November and December 2018. All seven participating teams surpassed the 110-hour goal and collectively, the group tallied 1,233 volunteer hours.

Just keep spinning...

Albany, N.Y.-based SEFCU participated in Cycle Nation, where employees and members cycled on stationary bikes for two hours. All $40,000 worth of proceeds were donated to the American Heart Association.
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Baby baskets

Belco Community Credit Union in Harrisburg, Pa., assisted ten local New Year's babies by donating gift baskets to each family, including $50 certificates that could be redeemed as saving accounts along with baby supplies and toys.
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Check it

Genisys Credit Union in Auburn Hills, Mich., presented a local consulting firm that assists with improving local communities with a check worth more than $1,000. The consulting firm is the first business in Pontiac, Mich. to be awarded this grant.
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Early education

Freehold, N.J.-based First Financial Foundation issued a $500 grant to a local elementary school after an early-childhood educator submitted a grant application requesting funds to buy equipment for her students.
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Back in business

Lone Tree, Colo.-based Canvas Credit Union kicked off the reopening of one of its branches with a party that featured free food and plenty of games.
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School spirit

Indianapolis, Ind.-based Indiana Members Credit Union sent off a check worth nearly $3,000 to a local school to support an ongoing school spirit debit card campaign.
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Helping the homeless

Bangor Federal Credit Union hosted an in-house decorating contest to help purchase basic necessities for nearby homeless populations.
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Helping those grieve

Philadelphia-based American Heritage Credit Union issued a $25,000 donation to a grief support program that assists children, teens, parents and caregivers with ongoing grief support.