The National Credit Union Administration on Friday released the results of its 2019 Voluntary Credit Union Diversity Self-Assessment. Nearly 120 institutions participated in last year’s survey, a 46% increase over 2018, but that figure still represents just 2.3% of the total industry. The agency recently said it is

Despite gains in the number of institutions taking part in the assessment, participation from year to year remains low. Just 44 of the 81 credit unions who participated in 2018 repeated the process in 2019, and only seven have filled out the assessment all four years.
Perhaps not surprisingly, there are indications that institutions which do repeat the process are making progress to better diversify their organizations. Across a variety of metrics, including organizational commitment to diversity, transparently promoting diversity and inclusion practices and more, the percentage of credit unions providing an affirmative response to those questions is generally on the rise from year to year among those who repeat the survey.
Participation appears to be spread broadly across the asset spectrum. Out of 118 respondents, 65 that took part in 2019 had assets of $500 million or below, while 21 ranged from $500 million to $1 billion and 32 that filled out the assessment had assets over $1 billion. The most substantial gains in participation appear to be coming from the $1 billion and above category, which more than doubled from 2018 to 2019. Until this year, participation from credit unions below the $100 million-asset mark has struggled to crack the double-digit mark, and fewer than 10 credit unions each year have taken part in the $10 million or less asset category.
Read on for more highlights from the report.