Lenders have spent months puzzled by the persistently low delinquencies on their credit cards. Now, they’re seizing the moment.
The legislation would help institutions with less than $15 billion of assets avoid regulatory requirements resulting from participating in the small-business relief program.
With the COVID-19 pandemic creating unprecedented challenges for small businesses, American Express has increasingly targeted its investments in that niche.
Small and midsize merchants in North America continue to struggle with the effects of COVID-19 on their bottom lines, but those who have developed an online presence and made changes to in-store payments have found the process to be a vital step.
The Cincinnati company, one of just a handful of lenders to reduce its cushion against bad credits in the third quarter, was grilled by analysts who suggested it was being too optimistic about the long-term effects of the pandemic recession.
Discover Financial Services shares surged after the company said spending on its cards improved in September, the first increase during the pandemic.
Discover Financial Services shares surged after the company said spending on its cards improved in September, the first increase during the pandemic.
For the 44.6 million households who rent, coming into the crisis almost 27% were already paying half or more of their monthly income on housing. That meant they had litte ability to save for an emergency, let alone a pandemic that would cause record job losses.
Lenders have spent months puzzled by the persistently low delinquencies on their credit cards. Now, they’re seizing the moment.
October 23 -
The legislation would help institutions with less than $15 billion of assets avoid regulatory requirements resulting from participating in the small-business relief program.
October 23 -
With the COVID-19 pandemic creating unprecedented challenges for small businesses, American Express has increasingly targeted its investments in that niche.
October 23 -
Small and midsize merchants in North America continue to struggle with the effects of COVID-19 on their bottom lines, but those who have developed an online presence and made changes to in-store payments have found the process to be a vital step.
October 23 -
The Cincinnati company, one of just a handful of lenders to reduce its cushion against bad credits in the third quarter, was grilled by analysts who suggested it was being too optimistic about the long-term effects of the pandemic recession.
October 22 -
Discover Financial Services shares surged after the company said spending on its cards improved in September, the first increase during the pandemic.
October 22 -
Discover Financial Services shares surged after the company said spending on its cards improved in September, the first increase during the pandemic.
October 22