Coronavirus Impact
Coronavirus Impact

While JPMorgan Chase’s chief executive would like the bank’s employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine, he said it’s unlikely to require the shots at least for now.

March 1
3 Min Read

There's no overstating the impact the pandemic has had on travel, but there are innovative products that can help the recovery, says Nuvei's Yuval Ziv.

March 1
4 Min Read
Chipotle digital kitchen

Supermarkets and restaurants were already starting to go digital when the pandemic pushed hard on the gas. Expect more mobile and virtual experiences —and much less space for sit-down dining.

March 1
9 Min Read

Community banks, which for years have relied heavily on commercial real estate lending, have been tightening underwriting standards, conducting more frequent loan reviews and stepping back from certain subsectors to minimize their credit exposure.

February 28
9 Min Read
“With the benefit of hindsight, I think it’s now clear that we could have not imposed those distribution limitations [and] the banking system would have been fine,” said Fed Vice Chair of Supervision Randal Quarles.

The Federal Reserve imposed the restrictions after conducting supplemental stress tests tied to the pandemic. But Vice Chair of Supervision Randal Quarles says it is now clear banks would have had sufficient capital regardless.

February 25
4 Min Read
“Today’s extensions of the COVID-19 forbearance period to 18 months and foreclosure and eviction moratoriums through the end of June will help align mortgage policies across the federal government,” FHFA Director Mark Calabria said.

The agency will allow an additional three months of forbearance for loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, giving homeowners up to 18 months to suspend payments due to the pandemic.

February 25
2 Min Read

About half of U.S. workers received an unexpected financial expense each month for 12 months overlapping most of the COVID-19 pandemic, with many resorting to bouncing checks or payday loans to cover the costs.

February 23
2 Min Read

The Small Business Administration wants to vet Paycheck Protection Program loans of $2 million or more, but lenders have grown tired of waiting for months with no updates.

February 19
4 Min Read
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