Consumer banking
Branches are closing at the fastest pace in years, and keeping them relevant to customers is a problem banks are being forced to solve in ever more creative ways.
Wells began rolling out its online-bank brand in November. Peggy Mangot, senior vice president and head of Greenhouse development, shares what she’s learned so far.
May 28 -
Only 4% of consumers changed banks last year, according to J.D. Power. Behavioral psychologist Wei Ke explains why consumers are so reluctant to move their accounts and what other banks can do to convince them to switch.
May 21
The forces reshaping small-business lending are also leading to “a moment of reckoning” for small banks, says former SBA head Karen Mills.
May 14 -
Mariel Beasley, co-director of Duke University’s Common Cents Lab, who studies consumers’ financial behavior, says savings "nudges" in apps often fall flat. Here's why.
May 7 -
Alex Carriles, who runs mobile, online and digital accounts at BBVA Compass, describes how updates like account aggregation and expense analysis have helped increase use of its app.
April 30 -
Karen Andres at the Center for Financial Services Innovation talks about the financial problems of people over 50 and how banks can help.
April 16 -
Jill Castilla, CEO of Citizens Bank of Edmond, has taken steps to help her bank stand out from the crowd.
April 9 -
Customers are starting to reveal more to private bankers when they use GoTo, the bank's strategy chief Rilla Delorier says.
April 2 -
Varo Money might become the first challenger bank to get a national bank charter. CEO and co-founder Colin Walsh explains why he wants Varo to become a bank.
March 26