Commercial banking
For some bankers, net zero is like a new year's resolution — a pledge one makes and often breaks before a year has passed.
The average interest rates that banks pay to commercial clients jumped at the end of the summer, according to survey data. Industry executives are likely to face questions about the outlook for 2023 during upcoming earnings calls.
October 13 -
Huntington Bancshares in Ohio has recruited its new managing director of commercial specialty banking as well as its new corporate treasurer from rival regional banks.
October 13
The Rhode Island bank has launched a program that allows companies to use interest earned on their deposits to purchase credits. It's a way for companies to address climate change without reducing their own hard-to-abate emissions.
October 12 -
The megabank made its first-ever disclosures about financed emissions in a report aligned with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. "The complexity of this process only served to highlight the critical need for consistent, verified public reporting of emissions and other climate-related data," the bank stated.
October 6 -
In a report published Tuesday, the nonprofit Finance Watch estimates that the 60 largest global banks have about $1.35 trillion of credit exposures to fossil fuel assets.
October 4 -
The industry is largely missing out on a huge segment of the market for financial services.
October 3 -
After investment banking fees fell by 54% last quarter, the nation's largest bank by assets is considering cutting back. "Last year, we had to add a lot of bodies just to execute the huge amount of volume we were executing," Chief Operating Officer Daniel Pinto said Tuesday.
September 13 -
The Mortgage Bankers Association forecast comes as bankers continue keeping an eye on their commercial real estate portfolios, including office buildings. The MBA also noted that many companies have long-term leases on their offices, likely making the hit more gradual.
September 11 -
Lenders are extending credit to corporate suppliers, helping them get paid earlier and keeping goods flowing. But the growth in the sector carries certain risks, too.
September 8