New Enterprise Bank would focus on venture capital and private equity firms that are involved in investment between China and the San Francisco area.
September 24 -
The Charlotte, N.C., company recently closed on a sale of its Cohen Financial platform to SitusAMC.
September 23 -
The agency has scheduled an extra assessment of institutions' strength to incorporate more recent economic data during the pandemic.
September 17 -
Congress should pass legislation that would allow Home Loan banks to backstop deposits by local governments at commercial banks and lower the cost of bond financing, two mayors argue.
September 16City of Miami -
Bartow Morgan Jr., who ran Brand Banking when it was sold to Renasant, also plans to raise $150 million to expand the seller's products and services.
September 8 -
Several community banks that put buybacks on hold during the pandemic’s earliest days have recently authorized new plans, signaling an easing in regulatory pressure and greater comfort with capital levels.
September 7 -
The agencies completed steps to ease a community bank capital measure temporarily and to delay a new credit-loss accounting standard.
August 26 -
The former SoFi chief’s latest startup, Figure, has created what it says is a transparent marketplace for buying and selling assets. Some banks have embraced the technology, but other blockchain projects have stalled because lenders don't want rivals to see their data.
August 25 -
Whether the number of deals for 2020 can come close to last year's record-setting level will come down to one question: Can community banks generate strong enough profits in the second half to justify their independence?
August 25 -
Banks and other lenders have found a way to potentially make billions of dollars from the coronavirus-fueled upheaval in the U.S. mortgage market — yet it risks burning bond investors in the process.
August 20