Open data could be a game changer for small and medium-sized businesses. We need a regulatory structure that recognizes this.
November 4Amount -
One year after from President Biden's executive order on Section 1033 of the Dodd-Frank Act, there has been no discernible progress.
October 21Codat -
A board member of the National Credit Union Administration urges vigilance against threats that many institutions ignore at their peril.
October 19 -
The claim that these arrangements are unregulated is inaccurate, and instead, more oversight would destroy the benefits of banks working with fintechs on consumer products.
September 29Manatt, Phelps & Phillips -
Reports of the death of branch banking have been greatly exaggerated.
September 26Celent -
The additional data that will become available as the economy slows should reveal the true strength of the technology companies some banks are working with and that should inform whether more regulation is required.
September 20Duke Financial Economics Center -
The cybersecurity crisis arising from super-fast computing is approaching more quickly than the industry and its regulators may realize.
August 29Mercatus Center, George Mason University -
The agency must take a principles-based approach rather than trying to cover every possible issue in detail.
August 3Financial Health Network -
Just as advances in automobile technology have made driving safer, incorporating AI into decision-making reduces financial risks.
July 13BMO Capital Markets -
Traditional banks already have the tools they need to win back consumers’ confidence, but they need to be smart about deploying them.
July 8Sontiq