Simon Wilson
Director of payments solutionsSimon Wilson is director of payments solutions at Icon Solutions.
Simon Wilson is director of payments solutions at Icon Solutions.
Incumbents have access to tons of information on consumers, but developing the means to analyze and act on it requires a strategic change, says Icon Solutions' Simon Wilson.
As competition becomes more about countering fintechs than beating other banks, alternative payment methods and broader services will be key, says Icon Solutions' Simon Wilson.
Incumbent banks’ market position is underpinned by strong consumer trust and massive scale, but these historic advantages can no longer be taken for granted, Simon Wilson of Icon Solutions writes.
Major projects like Diem are moving crypto beyond its fan base, according to Icon Solutions' Simon Wilson.
Helping corporates manage cash and liquidity through automated data-based actions can start to ease serious headaches for treasurers, says Icon Solutions' Simon Wilson.
Prioritizing and accelerating strategic payments transformation initiatives will mitigate long-term revenue constraints and, if executed correctly, reduce total cost of ownership, says Icon Solutions' Simon Wilson.
With the stakes now higher than ever, we can expect to see a marked acceleration in payments transformation initiatives, says Icon Solutions' Simon Wilson.
Contactless, mobile and a retreat from cash are just the start. The coronavirus will upend the entire payments process, said Icon Solutions' Simon Wilson.