Artificial intelligence
Don’t let this opportunity slip away, says Ilan Davidovici from Salesforce.
Brett King queries science fiction writers Kevin J. Anderson and Harry “Doc” Kloor about the practical future for emerging technologies like avatars and voice recognition.
July 10 -
Zach Gipson, chief innovation officer at USAA, believes in putting new technology, like chatbots, out there and learning from customers' reactions.
June 28
Jonathan Walker of the Center for the New Middle Class and Mark Schwanhausser of Javelin discuss ideas for helping women facing financial difficulties.
June 21 -
Ellen Zimiles, global head of investigations and compliance at Navigant Consulting, shares what she's learned about testing and implementing AI in compliance departments, filing defensive SARs, and hiring the right people to maintain an AI system.
June 14 -
Cathy Bessant, chief operations and technology officer at Bank of America, shares her thoughts on how companies can prevent human foibles and biases from creeping into their software and the need to build an ethical framework for AI software development and use.
April 5 -
Brett King interviews Ben Goertzel, chief scientist of the robotics firm Hanson Robotics, about the strengths and weaknesses of Hanson’s humanoid Sophia robot.
December 27 -
Two realistic utopians -- David Orban, founder of the London think tank Network Society Research, and Himi Khan, executive V.P. at the virtual assistant tech startup Clinc – share their AI vision.
October 14 -
Push Payments' Travis Dulaney discusses the Fed task force report; Brian Roemmele talks voice pay.
August 3 -
On the discussion table: Alipay, Jack Ma, blockchain, AI, building a true digital system, payments, financial inclusion.
July 14