Crypto lender’s freeze sparks dash by rivals to soothe nerves

The crypto lender Celsius Network’s shock announcement that it’s freezing withdrawals sparked a rush by companies in the digital-assets sector to reassure markets about the health of their operations.

BlockFi, Nexo, Tron and Tether were among those that took to Twitter in the hours after Celsius’s announcement, which accelerated a crypto rout that erased more than $100 billion of market value. With memories of last month’s collapse of the Terra ecosystem still fresh, attention is turning to decentralized-finance projects that offer eye-popping yields as well as stablecoins billed as pegged to an asset like the U.S. dollar. 

Exhibition And Experience Zones at The Paris NFT Day Conference
The booth of the Celsius Network crypto platform at the Paris NFT Day conference in Paris. Photographer: Benjamin Girette/Bloomberg
Benjamin Girette/Bloomberg

Zac Prince, chief executive of the crypto lender BlockFi, said its systems were operating normally and that it had “zero exposure” to assets such as a version of Ether (stETH) that had appeared to lose its peg to Ether over the weekend. 

That doesn’t mean BlockFi has been unscathed by the current crypto downturn. Hours later, Prince tweeted that the company is cutting headcount by 20% after being hit by a “dramatic shift in macroeconomic conditions, which have had a negative impact on our growth rate.”

Nexo, another competitor, went a step further in its efforts to project strength. The London-based company said it offered to buy Celsius’s “remaining qualifying assets” and followed by tweeting that it had sent a formal offer to Celsius. 

Celsius’s announcement compounded a crypto slump driven by expectations of higher interest rates following worse-than-expected U.S. inflation data on Friday. Bitcoin extended a seven-day decline by falling 15% to $23,250, the lowest since December 2020. Ether tumbled 18%, and altcoins like Solana and Avalanche suffered declines of similar magnitude. 

Although stablecoins mostly weathered the selloff, they weren’t immune. The crypto entrepreneur Justin Sun’s newly launched algorithmic stablecoin USDD slipped to as low as 98.4 cents from its $1 peg, and was trading at 99.2 cents at 4 p.m. in London. Sun, the founder of blockchain network Tron, said the platform had added $700 million worth of USDC, another stablecoin, to reserves meant to serve as a backstop to the USDD peg.

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May 16, 2022 1:32 PM

Larger stablecoins like USDC and Tether are purportedly backed by dollars and dollar-equivalent assets. Tether, which operates an eponymous collateralized dollar-pegged stablecoin and is an investor in Celsius, tweeted a link to a blog post that said its stake represents “a minimal part of our shareholders’ equity.” It added that there was “no correlation” between the Celsius investment and its own reserves. 

Tether was trading at its dollar peg on Monday afternoon after briefly slipping as much as 35 basis points, data compiled by Bloomberg show. 

Bloomberg News
Digital currencies Digital banking Cryptocurrency