Watch American Banker's Most Powerful Women in Banking and Finance gala, which was recorded live on Oct. 4 at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City. Speakers included Bank of America's Cathy Bessant, recognized as the most powerful woman in banking, and Wells Fargo's Mary Mack, who was selected as the top woman to watch. The awards recognize the professional achievements and influence of the top-performing female executives in banking and financial services.
With the Federal Reserve eyeing changes to its annual examination of large bank resilience, this year's test could be the last of its kind.
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The $4 trillion-asset company is looking to grow its deposit franchise by building a presence in new markets. The 24-branch addition in Alabama is its latest part of that push.
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Luke Pettit could have an expanded role compared to previous assistant secretaries for financial institutions as President Donald Trump eyes Treasury lead for deregulatory agenda.
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Founder Ken LaRoe says his decision to step back from daily management chores will help the Orlando, Florida-based Climate First Bancorp maintain its independence.
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The Federal Reserve governor said regulators have stifled the banking system's ability to experiment with emerging technologies.
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Congressional representatives push to ease regulatory hurdles for de novo banks, citing barriers to entry for small lenders.
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