Readers react to an argument about reining in banker pay, weigh the push for raising the minimum wage, respond to Wells Fargo getting back into the private-label securities market and more.

"'Noticeably absent from this group, however, are bank tellers.' That is because most tellers are intelligent and can do math. They know that if everyone makes $15/hr the cost of goods will rise accordingly but in the meantime many good jobs will be replaced by computers because the cost to employ people has become unsustainable."

"Here we go again. Prelude to stealing America's wealth."

"The rather obvious point is that congress (and by extension the regulators) are the captives of Wall Street. In the meantime bankers on Main Street have spent countless hours wading through regulatory directives and talking to directors and examiners about an issue that rarely if ever had anything at all to do with them. Great example of using a regulatory shotgun after you have carefully removed the bull's-eye from the target"

"The whole country made the same mistake in the recent financial crisis as they did when the dot com bubble burst. All the regulators failed. If fraud was committed, then make the fraud charge against them. Clawing back the pay of all regulators and bankers doesn't make any sense or solve anything."

"Unfortunately, this is pretty much gibberish. It is outrageous that many executives responsible for the massive fraud in the mortgage markets did not go to jail, but the main bad guys, such as Countrywide, were not the "banks" referred to here. I serve on a bank comp committee and we set a base after reviewing peer comparisons then push most compensation into long term bonuses paid mostly in stock. Our shareholders and the regulators approve."

"'Gender should never be the sole qualifier or disqualifier for leadership positions.....' I assume the author doesn't support California's law that will require women on the boards of publicly traded companies. A 2012 USC study found female board quotas led to "younger and less experienced boards, increases in leverage and acquisitions, and deterioration in operating performance, consistent with less capable boards." No mention of this study by the author."