Readers react to Sen. Elizabeth Warren's investigation into former acting Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Mick Mulvaney's job talks, weigh Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's potential impact on the Financial Services Committee, consider the future of cryptocurrency and more.

"She is attacking him because he let the gas out of her bloated unruly lawsuit machine."

"Let's not confuse AOC with Warren. AOC can't hold a candle to Warren and once AOC has to convert her soundbites into actions, there'll be no doubt she's out of her league."

"The greatest fear of this incredibly bloated and inefficient government is that citizens actually realize life goes on without it. Both Dems and Repubs have done everything they can through the decades to make government integral to our economy. They don't improve it or make it more efficient... but they sure can hold it hostage when their never-ending, ever-increasing funding gets challenged."

"The real story is in the methodology. A mean across all levels is hardly going to paint a useful picture of the situation. Better to do a mean across all positions/ranks, while controlling for location and unpaid time off (if applicable)."

"Congress (including Senator Warren) and the Administration - not financial institutions - are responsible for the government shutdown. Warren seems to suggest that financial institutions are obligated to provide relief to furloughed federal workers."

"Cryptocurrency are here to stay and will not be changing the way we use money soon but give it another ten years and we can see a big difference."