Several important bills, including one protecting information banks share with the CFPB and another nixing the requirement that banks have a physical sign disclosing ATM fees, could be poised for passage in the Senate during the lame duck session. But the fate of others, including an extension of TAG, is less clear.
December 3
WASHINGTON — The Senate passed two small but critical industry measures late Tuesday involving ATM fee disclosures and information sharing with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, paving the way for the bills to be signed into law by the president.
One bill would cancel a requirement that banks must post a physical sign disclosing ATM fees, while another would strengthen protections for confidential information shared with the CFPB. The bills are identical to measures that have already passed the House, and now proceed to President Obama, who is expected to sign them soon.
Banks have been facing a spate of nuisance
Although both bills had broad support in the Senate, they were held up earlier this year by Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., who wanted to try and force an up or down vote on repeal of the Dodd-Frank law. DeMint, who announced last week that he is
"These are two commonsense changes so it is no surprise they passed by unanimous consent," said Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., chairman of the Senate Banking Committee. "I'm glad we were able to find consensus to help ensure the CFPB can get the information it needs to supervise the financial marketplace and protect consumers. Additionally, today's action streamlines a disclosure requirement for ATMs while maintaining the important on-screen notification of fees that lets consumers know how much a transaction will cost."