Too Much Data Everywhere
"The more data out there, the higher the risk," says Dominic Venturo, chief innovation officer at U.S. Bank in Minneapolis. "Even with things like PCI, we still see data breaches. We've also got this old system of user ID and password and the fact that consumers are reusing that data all over the place. On top of that, even when they don't reuse them, passwords that are human-friendly are often insecure or easy to guess."
It's one of the reasons that tokenization is crucial to mobile banking and the future of online payments, he says.
The Folks Who Work Next to You
"Our employees continue to be our weakest link, and I don't think that will change," says Wes Spencer, chief information officer at FNB Bank in Mayfield, Ky. Firewalls, encryption, industry sharing of intelligence and other precautions haven't done enough. "Even with the controls we've built around them, employees remain our most significant threat," he says.
Landon Ewers, chief information officer at Amalgamated Bank in New York, agrees. "Phishing attempts, often paired with malware designed to extract confidential information or gain access to transactional systems, seem to be the most prevalent," he says. Banks have to be wary of employees "accidentally or intentionally" exposing information.
Client-Created Vulnerabilities
Robert Lubben, chief operating officer at Rabo AgriFinance in St. Louis, Mo., sees "an increasing risk due to our clients, primarily small businesses, not investing at a level sufficient to secure their networks and educate their staff on cyber-related risks."
Vendor Risk
The Multiplicity of Dangers
"If you're only thinking about one threat, you're probably being distracted from the overall problem," he says. "You can't just be focused on authorized access to information; you have to be focused on unauthorized access to information. You have to be focused on insiders as well as external threats. When you are focusing on control, you need to make sure that your controls are applicable to multiple areas."