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On the recent growthand increasing underwriting problemsin highly leveraged loans:
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(Image: Bloomberg News)

On whether JPMorgan Chase's (JPM) plan to cut business lines and add compliance staff could reduce future earnings:
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(Image: Bloomberg News)

On $57 billion in troubled mortgages that banks say are fully FHA-insured but may ultimately be disputed:
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Thomas O'Neill, founder of Kimberlite Advisors and Sandler O'Neill & Partners, on why he recently founded a bank advisory group in a tepid M&A market:
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(Image: Bloomberg News)

On whether Republic Bancorp's (RBCAA) 2011 consent order may have made it harder to close its deal for H&R Block Bank:
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(Image: Thinkstock)

On why the urgency to unwind Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may be fading:
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(Image: Thinkstock)

On whether smaller banks can compete in wealth management:
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(Image: Bloomberg News)

On smaller lenders that have recently entered the wealth management field:
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On the potential fallout from a U.S. government default:
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(Image: Bloomberg News)

On banks that are expanding into distant markets in an echo of a strategy that hurt many lenders during the housing bust:
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Tom Brouster, chairman of Reliance Bancshares (RLBS) in St. Louis, on his company's renewed interest in southwestern Florida:
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On how bankers' conservatism has helped a few large core-banking software vendors dominate the market:
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