Big Pile of Loans for Sale

Consumer Finance Unit Spun Off
A majority of Synchrony's business consists of private-label credit card loans, and the firm has been seeking to maintain its relationships with large retailers. The company has also been looking to build a deposit base through Synchrony Bank as a way of replacing the low-cost funding it previously obtained as a result of GE's strong credit rating.

Regulatory Factors Are Driving Sales
The sales will also allow GE to refocus on its industrial businesses.

Wells Grabs Real Estate Loans

Buyer Interest Is Strong, GE Says

Commercial Finance Is the Big Prize

Wells Exec Signals Interest in More

U.S. Bancorp Eyes Opportunities
At the same time, Davis said he would need to be convinced that any loans being acquired were sufficiently underwritten. "And if we can't get that level of comfort, I'll pass all day long," he said, "because I really don't need to introduce anybody else's problems into our otherwise high credit quality."

Grabbing Market Share Amid the Chaos
Key Corp. Chief Executive Beth Mooney made the same argument. "GE, I would say, has been a strong competitor in the market," she said during an April 16 earnings call. "We see them in many of our businesses, and we think these kinds of situations offer great opportunities for our team, as markets get disrupted."