The Bank as Personal Shopper
Dave Edmondson, senior managing director and head of Accenture's banking practice in North America
(Image: iStock)

Financial Innovation Meets Financial Inclusion
Lisa Servon, professor at the New School's Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy
(Image: iStock)

Just What the Banker Ordered
"We will see more high-function, high-style transactional accounts that walk like a prepaid card but have the skeleton of a [demand deposit account]-both because more brick-and-mortar banks will create prepaid-like DDA products, and because the CFPB's new rules will cause some prepaid providers to shift to more DDA-like structures."
Jennifer Tescher, president and chief executive of the Center for Financial Services Innovation
(Image: iStock)

More Stalled Attempts at GSE Reform
Cliff Rossi, professor at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland
(Image: iStock)

Big Breaches, Big Disruptions
Andrew Waxman, consultant in IBM Global Business Services' financial markets risk and compliance practice
(Image: Thinkstock)

A Kick in the Pants
J.V. Rizzi, banking industry consultant and investor
(Image: iStock)

Stricter Capital Standards and a Weakened Volcker Rule
Mayra Rodriguez Valladares, principal at MRV Associates
(Image: Former Federal Reserve chair Paul Volcker, via Bloomberg)

Mortgage Lenders Get Smarter
Garth Graham, partner with Stratmor Group
(Image: iStock)

Risk Swells in Real Estate
Alex Pollock, resident fellow at American Enterprise Institute
(Image: iStock)

Big Banks Lose Face
Kevin Tynan, senior vice president of marketing at Liberty Bank for Savings in Chicago
(Image: iStock)

A Return to Common Sense
2015 will be the year common sense and balance begins to return to the regulatory environment. Last year, a meeting was held with industry leaders at the White House, which is now concerned with credit access. Clear evidence that the pendulum has swung too far. While consumers need protections, lenders need common sense rules, clear guidance and flexibility to protect their loans."
Richard Booth, industry consultant and mortgage banker
(Image: iStock)