Recently released transcripts of Federal Reserve meetings during the last financial crisis reflect how blind policymakers remained to what was unfolding even at its peak. That suggests the Financial Stability Oversight Councils efforts to sound an early warning next time around are reminiscent of Charlie Brown hoping Lucy wont pull away the football.
February 25 -
Modern giants are likely to behave at least as badly as their World War II counterparts.
November 26 -
Theres no question that that banking industry owes a solid to government policymakers for bailing them out of the crisis. Whats still much in dispute is whether the Dodd-Frank Act and the various other salves that have been applied to stave off another calamity will work as intended.
September 23
Editor's note: A version of this post originally appeared on
I shared a meal in Midtown Manhattan last week with an old friend who's worked in the risk management department of the same super-sized bank since before the bust. My friend is a straight shooter who years ago railed against the foibles of his own institution. As the crisis hit, he was merciless in fingering fellow bankers hed observed close up.
When Washington responded by cooking up the Dodd-Frank Act, he waxed cynical about its prospects. (Me too, in a column in which I called it
My friends tune has changed markedly since then. During our recent meal, he held his hands shoulder-width apart to illustrate the former size of his bank's prop-trading operations. Then, with his thumb and index finger, he made a small circle to show what its shrunken to under the Volcker Rule's prohibition on speculative trading.
What happened to all those traders? I ask.
Theyre gone, he said with a wave of his hand. Some retired. Some went to hedge funds. Others are unemployed or went back to school.
Whats grown in their place, he continues, is an army of risk managers and compliance functionaries charged with compiling
One absurdity in all this, my friend says, is that speculative trading is not what brought down giant banks. Instead, he pins the blame on imprudent mortgage lending and its many offshoots, with the governments active encouragement.
"It would have made a lot more sense to
The problem with such an elegant solution, I counter, is that it would short circuit one of Washingtons favorite pastimes: Making work for and increasing the power of Washington. No argument there from my friend.
Instead he noted that his own bank, and its mega-brethren, have themselves become bloated and bureaucratic in the wake of their crisis-era shotgun marriages.
If you made these banks 20% more efficient, youd unlock a huge amount of wealth, he tells me.
Another thing that sticks in his craw: The way bankers and banking have been demonized while bureaucrats and bureaucracies have gotten off lightly. While Dodd-Frank has taken a meat cleaver to banks, the spaghetti pile of banking regulators has been left virtually untouched.
To my friend, the result makes a mockery of prudent risk management. Collateralized debt obligations, he notes, are still overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission, while many related products fall under the purview of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. (
I conceded the point but add that it would seem the greater goals of so-called financial reform have been achieved. Banking, after all, is becoming a more boring and less profitable industry. On that point, my friend and I are in full agreement.
Neil Weinberg is the editor-in-chief of American Banker. The views expressed are his own.